October 2019
Havana – Holanda
We spent one more day in Havana Vieja and then we moved on to our host family. The last evening in Havana Vieja was a lot of fun. We went into town early to listen to music. I started talking to a street musician and before I knew it I got his guitar pressed into…
U.S.A. – Cuba
We are in Havana! We stayed a few more nights in the comfortable airbnb in a suburb of San Fran. In addition to bringing the motorbikes to the harbor for their journey home, and preparing ourselves for Cuba, we have been doing a lot of eh .. cooking and cooking and cooking haha! What a…
Choices, choices, choices…
We are back in San Francisco. Eventually we spent another week in Santa Cruz, it was just such a nice place, Erik needed a little more time to do some work and we skated a lot. We then drove on to Montery. A chic place on the other side of the bay, with a total…